Even the most cohesive couples have difficulty from time to time. Therapists affiliated with Wilshire/Valley of Los Angeles can help you and your spouse, domestic partner or significant other navigate the difficult times in your relationship.
Often couples come in with problems arising from the actions, behavior or beliefs of one partner. focusing on the single issue, however, can detract or misdirect the exploration of underlying issues that are at the true root of the problem.
So often couples have the experience of feeling that one person is demonized while the other is praised. Therapists work hard to prevent this destructive experience.
Using this approach, our affiliated therapists find they can diffuse some of the tension and create an environment for exploration of the whole of the relationship. The various perspectives of the relationship are explored in a fair and objective manner that gives equal time to each person.
Couples who are in urgent need should consider Wilshire/Valley’s Intensive Therapy sessions — make-or-break sessions help couples get back on the love track … or enable them to move on. Learn about the differences between general couples therapy and intensive therapy.
Often couples simply need help in developing clearer communications skills while working toward developing more compassion for each other and valuing their differences with greater support and understanding.
Conversely, sometimes couples therapy is not about getting back together. Sometimes the best option is to navigate the difficult process of separation and perhaps divorce. Our affiliated therapists help you approach this complex process with compassion and objectivity. They explore the issues with you and help bring closure — if this is the most prudent course.
Occasionally, time and resources permitting, one therapist will see one member of the pair and another will see the other. In cases where there is bitter disagreement often this approach is a good way to avoid the triangulation that can occur when only one therapist is involved. Discuss these options with your therapist.
Action items
- Find a therapist for the both of you.
- Learn about the Couples Intensive Therapy package.
- Make an appointment. Call (818) 906-0406 or use the secure contact page.
- Learn about successful co-parenting during separation and after divorce.